We are happy you wanted to use your valuable time catching up on the Value Model. Total time for all four videos is over 45 minutes so you might want to split it up to three or four sessions. To get the most out of the videos, however, we recommend you to play them in the right order.
Please share this link with colleagues that you know has participated in a Value Model training or that you think could benefit from the content. Maybe this could be a platform and basis for an internal discussion of how you take your R&D activities to a new level 2019.
2019 the of Customer Value!
Module 1 Introduction to concept development and problem-solving for R&D
This video is the introduction explaining the three most important success factors for how to improve R&D. It will introduce the basic concepts, tools and methods used in the Value Model. The video is 12 minutes long.
Module 2 Customer values as a practical tool to drive R&D
The key to world-class performance is to turn customer value into a practical tool driving R&D. This video will explain what customer value is and its importance for success. The video is 8 minutes long.
Customer Value
Module 3 Value Engineering and functional concept work
Functional and cost-based thinking is a way to bridge the gap between sales and marketing and R&D. Establish a language free from solutions but concrete enough to be suitable for specifications benchmarking and strategic plans. The functional and cost-based methodology is at the same time the entry point for Value Engineering. A powerful tool to ensure that the new products developed have unrivalled customer value. This video is 13 minutes long.
Value engineering and functional concept work
Module 4 Creativity as a science and engineering tool
No area within R&D is surrounded by so many myths and misconceptions as creativity. This video will explain the basics of how to make creativity an engineering tool that will radically enhance the creativity of individuals as well as the whole organisation. This is a video that you either hate or love as it challenges many established myths. This video is 12 minutes long.
Creativity as a science and engineering tool
Our public training program for 2019 can be found on the following link.
During 2019 we will launch several more videos on customer value. To be sure to get these videos become a Value Model follower on Linked in by clicking the link below.