Business case
A Return Map is a dynamic model that defines the flows of capital the project is expected to generate. Sometimes the model is called the Innovation Life Cycle. Usually, time is along the x-axis and cash flow along the y-axis. We recommend that costs are depicted under the y-axis because it makes the figure more easily interpreted and intuitive. For example, then Break-Even-Time appears at the point where the accumulated revenue surplus cuts the y-axis.
It is possible to work with different scales on the positive and negative sides of the y-axis respectively, which is sometimes necessary if differences in size are great.
Many different measurements can be illustrated in a return map:
tO - Commercial Window Opens
TTF - Time to Feasibility Study
TTP - Time to Project Start
TTM - Time to Market
BET - Break-Even Time
TT50 - Time to 50% Sales
MFR - Maximum Financial Risk
AS - Accumulated Surplus
tF - Commercial Window Closes
The weakest link in all return map models is often the estimation made of future revenue, i.e., volumes and prices over a period of time. Therefore, efforts must be aimed at analyzing and discussing different conceivable scenarios on the market.
Three basic principles for your Return Map:
Use simple back of the envelop calculations. No incomprehensible spreadsheets should be used.
Provide simple metrics that support decision-making. For example, the cost of delaying the project one week?
Make multiple scenarios – what happens if?
• project cost increase with 25%
• product cost increase/decrease with 10%
• sales price increase/decrease with 5%
• etc.
Preferably you can use our Excel template for making your Return Map. It can be downloaded on the link below:
Export the Return map and place in the Project Definition Board