Project management for R&D
Training Courses
Over 3 000 people have attended Value Model training globally. Our training is recognized for being very hands-on. You will learn the tools and methods that you directly can put to practical use in your projects or organization.
The Customer Value

Unfortunately, many new products fail. They fail, not because the products developed are bad. On the contrary, many new products are fantastic, technically. They fail because companies develop the wrong products – products with low customer value.
Despite the fact, that unrivaled customer value is the number-one success factor*, few product development projects use it to guide the projects to success.
Honestly, do you have a:
grip on customer value in your current projects?
methodology and mindset in place that turns customer value into a practical tool?
satisfactory rate of new breakthrough innovations?
If you answer No to any of the above questions, this is a solution to fix the problem.
You may think turning customer value into a practical tool is too complicated, takes a long time, or is expensive! Nothing could be more wrong.
We have developed a concept consisting of six lectures delivered over Zoom. Each module is around 30 minutes long:
introduction, 5-10 minutes
lecture (prerecorded video), 8-10 minutes
facilitated discussion, 10-15 minutes.
The beauty of mixing facilitated discussions with a prerecorded lecture is that the lecture can be reviewed as many times as you like. People forget, people need time to digest, and people need to hear the same message several times before it sticks. Repetition is the key to changing the culture and mindset.
By watching the lectures prior to each module you can also prepare questions or topics you want to have discussed. An excellent way to adapt the discussion to your specific challenges.
Not only will you learn the concepts through the lectures, but you will also get help to apply the mindset to your project and product. A prerecorded lecture alone will not create the same amount of engagement and adaption to your specific problems. That's why each module has a 10-15 minutes long discussion at the end to discuss the topic introduced.
These are the titles of the six modules:
1. Customer value – what business is all about
2. Customer value – it is a perception
3. The evolution of customer value
4. Three categories of customer needs
5. Three categories of customer resources
6. Customer value in practice
We can give the lessons after each after, or split them up in sections in different ways — for example, one or two every day, one or two every week, etc. You select the format that best meets your needs.
The cost of each module is 250 EUR for your team.
You could have a customer value mindset in place in your team by next week and triple your probability of success!
View the prerecorded lectures
Download the Road Map to Unrivaled Customer Value
Link to the Road Map Customer Value Fundamentals
*) "A superior and differentiated product is the number one driver of success and profitability, with success rates reported to be three to five times higher than for ‘‘me too,’’ reactive products (Cooper, 2001; Cooper and Kleinschmidt, 1996)".
Value Model evaluation scores. Average for all participants from ten public courses in a row. Scale from 1 to 6. Customers includes ABB, Atlas Copco, Scania, 3M, Xylem and many more.