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Project Management for R&D

Online training with live lectures and exercises in the collaborative

platforms Miro and iObeya.

Project Management for R&D
- Cloud Solution

Templates and guidelines for facilitating your project and team in the cloud.

Check out the support available for Miro

Logotype M

Check out the support available for iObeya

Logotype I


Our digital training gives participants the confidence and tools to move development projects to the cloud.  

Training structure


In the lecture, you learn the theory and understand why.


In the exercise, you apply the theory and understand how.

Lecture - digital training

Live presenter using only flipcharts. No PowerPoints

Excercise - digital training

Virtual sticky notes in a digital collaborative platform

Project Management Digital Training
Template for Project Definition
Template for project Planning
Template for Project Control & Follow Up

Teaching method

Our proven teaching method imparts knowledge and gives participants the confidence to apply the content in ongoing projects.


Teaching method:

We will discuss a common problem and its implication on the project and your role as a project manager.


Clash of expectations! The project owner wants commitments on time and cost. The project manager offers estimates based on incomplete data.

In the live lecture, you will learn methods and tools to improve the situation and resolve the problem.

Improve your estimates by using simple and powerful statistical methods. Learn how to display and establish an open and productive discussion around uncertainties. 

In the team-based exercise, you will apply and try the methods and tools introduced in the lecture.

You will together with your team, make multiple estimates on the case study or your project. With the use of the Excel program provided in training improved estimates using statistical methods will be calculated. 

Training documentation

Training documentation is essential for the implementation and use of the concepts and methods taught in real projects after the training. 


Four chapters from the Value Model textbook in PDF format. A total of 125 pages with hyperlinks for fast search.

Chapter 7 Value Model Book

Introduction to PM

Chapter 11 Value Model Book

Define the project

Chapter 12 The value Model Book

Plan the project

Chapter 13 The value Model Book

Establish the Control System

Copies of presentation

Copies of the presentations used in the training. A total of 110 pages in PDF format.

Project definition chapter
Goal statement
Core, Extended and Virtual Team
Definition of a Project team


Five templates for the collaborative platform iObeya in PNG format.

Project Definition Template
Project Planning Template
Project Control & Follow Up Template

Facilitation guide

Guidelines for facilitating your project and team.

Run a development project in Miro

Excel programs

Excel programs that supports building and managing your project

Excel programs

Several Excel based programs for making for example a return map or improving estimations.

Excel file for return map

Track record

Over 3 000 people have attended Value Model training globally. 

 Average scores for all participants from ten public courses in a row.  Scale from 1 to 6.

Value Model Training Scores

Project Management for R&D

Specially developed to improve and support development projects. 

  • bridges the gap between modern agile methods used in software development and more traditional waterfall models used in hardware development. ​

  • extremely powerful for R&D projects involving a large number of unknowns and risks

  • the same concept for both visual and digital project management makes local as well as global teams productive

  • increased focus on deliverables securing the quality of outputs from R&D projects

  • using statistical methods to improve estimations of time, cost, and project returns

  • minimizes late changes and thereby reducing the time to market

  • strong protect control and follow up methods to eliminate project overruns.

product development training.jpg

Learning by doing option

Bring your project to the training.

If you run this training in-house or have six or more participants in the digital training you can work with real projects in the training. The ultimate learning experience!


Give your projects a flying start by having them defined, planned, and the infrastructure created to follow up and keep the projects under control. Or give your ongoing projects an overhaul and restart.


It is the best possible team-building exercise you can do.

If you have limited time to send people to training, this is the perfect option.

Global teams working in digital platform

Digital training format

For you or your team that can not meet because of logistical, cost, or pandemic reasons.

Also offered as public training.

  • The training is "live" but in a digital format and completely free from POWERPOINTS! The lectures are delivered using a flipchart and a whiteboard. You can ask questions and get answers immediately, just like in regular classroom training.

  • The training is based on practical exercises, visual planning, and a team-based approach. The exercises are done with digital "sticky notes in the digital collaborative platform iObeya." All the benefits of visual planning are kept. You will together with your team members create a " Digital Project Management Canvas."


  • A total of 6 modules with one-week intervals

  • Each module consists of a 1.5-hour lecture and a 1.5-hour exercise in the iObeya platform

  • About 2 hours of homework is also included. Total training time is about 20 hours, which corresponds to the traditional 3-day course 

  • The maximum number of participants is 16 in the lectures and 8 in the exercises (one iObeya room)

  • If you feel after the first module that this was not something for you, you can cancel the course completely free of charge. No questions asked.


  • The language will be English.


  • Cost 925 EUR / participant

Value Model Tablet

Classroom training

For you and your team which is located in the same place.

Only offered as in-house training.

" Learning by doing" is the optimal teaching method.


It bridges the gap between learning powerful techniques and applying these techniques in your ongoing projects.


Therefore, we always work with real and ongoing projects as case studies in this training. You will, during the training, make substantial contributions to making these projects a success.

You will, during the training, define, plan and create a control and follow-up systems for the project.


This training format is perfect for strategically important and complex projects involving many different areas such as software, hardware, production and/or services.

This training addresses the needs of organizations that want to get instant results and get a grip on challenging projects.

Example of Project canvas created in a training

Project Management canvas
Project Management Classroom Training
Project Management Classroom Training
Project Management Classroom Training

Download the template for the Project canvas created.


Following is included in the training.

Project Management fundamentals

Product development is a complex and multifaceted activity involving people from many parts of your organization. Such a complicated set of activities cannot be described in one single model. Instead, different models need to be upheld. Some of these models are briefly introduced in this module, such as Agile, Waterfall, Deming circle, and Gate Models.  

Project stakeholders and their respective roles, areas of responsibilities, and authority powers will be discussed.

Project success factors and pitfalls

Common success factors, as well as pitfalls, are discussed. Many R&D projects are trapped by the triple constraints of time, cost, and scope. You will learn how to solve this dilemma and give your project a better chance by introducing the triangle of opportunities.


The importance of writing a goal statement collectively with your team and key stakeholders is underrated. It is an essential team-building exercise and paves the way for planning your project and driving it to a successful conclusion.


Project deliverables and boundaries

You will learn how to scope your project by identifying and specifying deliverables and critical boundaries. By consistently directing focus on deliverables instead of activities, more attention is centered on the customers in the project, paving the way for successful execution and conclusion.

The business case and estimations

Project managers of the future must be more business-minded. The project must be conducted to maximize the business impact over the entire life cycle of the new product to be developed. Financial analyses must, therefore, not only cover project costs but also how the project execution will influence future costs and revenue streams. You will learn the basics of how to make a return map for your project.

Estimations of time, engineering hours, costs, and revenue streams are essential for the business case. You will learn a hands-on and practical method to improve your estimations substantially.


An overall and detailed plan

Both waterfall and agile methods have their pros and cons. No planning method is the best or works in all cases or for all types of projects. To overcome these shortcomings, you will learn how to use two plans. An overall plan covering the whole project and a detailed plan for the next few weeks.


The overall plan can preferably be more of a waterfall type and the detailed plan agile. By using two plans, you combine the best of two different methods, agile and waterfall. A planning method powerful for projects involving both hardware, software, and services. 


Project control and leadership

A Project Control system should be proactive rather than reactive. Learn how to introduce and apply good routines within your project without making your project bureaucratic. A well-managed project requires less monitoring, follow-up and corrective actions can be taken early. Nothing is more costly in a development project than late changes.

We will also discuss topics like risk analyses, risk mitigation, change management, and leadership.

Project Overview
Project Goal
Project deliverable
Project Business case
Project Planing Using White Board
Project Game Rules

Team building

Example of tools used in the training.

If a group of individuals is to develop into a high-performance project team, specific basic requirements must be met.


As the project manager, your task can be compared to cultivating a large and beautiful flower. We call it the Team flower.

The team flower has ten petals, each of which represents one of your team's basic requirements. Like the petals of a flower, these requirements can neither be put in rank order nor hierarchically divided. Together, they build one single unit in which the petals overlap one another to a certain degree.

Test the state of these requirements in your team regularly by completing the Team Flower Test. The members of the team should mark at which stage they feel the team is at. There are five levels for each essential team requirement — levels along the line of development from bud to full bloom.

Collect the result and complete the spider-web diagram.

Testing your team culture and team performance

Next Digital training

Dates digital PM

Course structure

  • A total of 6 modules with one-week intervals

  • Each module consists of a 1.5-hour lecture and a 1.5-hour exercise in the Miro digital platform.

  • About 1 hour of homework is also included.

  • Total training time is about 20 hours, which corresponds to the traditional 3-day course. 

  • The maximum number of participants is 16 in the lectures and 8 in the exercises (one room)

  • If you are more than 5 participants from one company, we can provide your own room in Miro, and you can work on an internal project during the exercises.

Dates for 2025 not finalished



  • If you feel after the first module that this was not something for you, you can cancel the course completely free of charge. No questions asked.



  • The language will be English.



  • Cost 995 EUR / participant

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